Terms and Conditions


The General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to every business relationship between Küng Verlags AG and a client using a service provided by Küng Verlags AG. When placing an order, these terms and conditions are automatically accepted as part of the contract. Küng Verlags AG reserves the right to change these conditions at any time without prior notice.

Benefits and Deadlines

110/5000 The services provided by Küng Verlags AG are recorded in a contract when the order is placed. Küng Verlags AG sets a deadline in which the service is provided. In order to be able to comply with this deadline, the customer must in turn forward all required data and information to Küng Verlags AG on time. Küng Verlags AG can not be held liable for events that it is not culpable of and that make the timely provision of the service impossible. There is no entitlement to compensation for loss of revenue.


After a written or oral order Küng Verlags AG sets up a contract with the exact services. Upon return of the signed copy, the business relationship between the client and Küng Verlags AG becomes legally valid. Additional expenses and new needs, short-term orders, special requests and spontaneous ideas, both written and verbal, will be charged separately.


Küng Verlags AG promises not to sell personal customer data to third parties. All personal data is treated confidentially. The necessary data for the transaction will be stored and potentially passed on to affiliated companies as part of the ordering process. Discretion is one of Küng Verlags AG’s core principles.


The customer confirms to Küng Verlags AG that he owns the necessary rights to all content transmitted to Küng Verlags AG, such as graphics, pictures and texts. Claims by third parties against the client regarding copyright infringement can not be passed on to Küng Verlags AG. If requested, Küng Verlags AG can acquire the rights needed. The client will have to bear the emerging costs of the acquisition of the rights.


The contractual relationships of the contracting parties are governed exclusively by Swiss law. Jurisdiction is Zurich, Switzerland. Should individual provisions of these terms and conditions be ineffective, the contract remains in effect. The effectiveness of all other provisions remain unaffected. The ineffective regulation shall be replaced by a regulation which comes closest to the purpose of the invalid provision.